Fi-Core Central

Q. Why isn’t everyone fi-core?

A. Many actors believe that when they go fi-core, they lose their eligibility for pension and health insurance.  When they learn that fi-core actors are eligible for pension and health insurance, many of them ask, “Why isn’t everyone fi-core?”

Generally, it is not in the interest of unions to promote financial core status to workers, so many workers are unaware of the financial core option. Over the years, different United States Presidents have changed the requirements for unions to disclose the option of financial core status to their workers, meaning that the visibility of the financial core option for workers has fluctuated with who is President.

In many labor unions, union membership offers member-only privileges not accessible to financial core workers, meaning that some workers choose to remain members so as not to lose member-only privileges.

Also, union membership means different things to different people. While Fi-Core Central does not advocate declaring financial core status, it takes the perspective that declaring or not declaring financial core status is a personal decision for the worker, and the reasons for declaring or not declaring financial core status are individual and cannot be generalized.

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